P/s: Doa ku semoga kedua2 sahabatku ini sentiasa dalam perlindungan Allah Taala...
Allah mewujudkan sayang, agar kita bisa mengenali
Allah titipkan rindu, untuk kita saling mengingati
Allah berikan perpisahan, agar kita saling menghargai.....
I believe in Islam as I believe da sun has risen, Not because i see it, but by I see everything else...
I now, holds in my hands a piece of history that will illuminate the darkest recesses of my mind when the strongest waves of nostalgia conquer my heart...
I now, own a blog of history that will enlighten my future generations to come, when they search for that glimpse for the past to let them to the present...
It may not worth much now, but it will be priceless one day..
Carnation is the birth flower for people who are born in January.
The Carnation symbolizes deep love, a friend in need, distinction, beauty, and fascination.
If your birth flower is Carnation: You are a sensitive person. You are very protective towards your family and friends. You are very ambitious and aim to achieve big things in life. You are a very helpful friend.
.:: Ada masa kita perlu menangis agar kita tahu dunia ini bukan untuk ketawa. Ada masa kita perlu ketawa agar kita tahu betapa bernilainya setitis air mata ::.
.:: Jadikan keyakinan sebagai pegangan hidup,
dorongan sebagai teman setia,
Putus asa dijadikan musuh durjana,
Dan jadikanlah tekun serta usaha sebagai tangga kejayaan ::.
.::Yang di atas adalah lebih baik daripada yang di bawah. Tetapi apabila sudah berada di atas, janganlah dilupa yang di bawah kerana di bawahlah punca di atas ::.
Sarah... we gonna miss u too.. uwaa!!!
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